{353}{490}In March 2000, two astronomers |made an extraordinary discovery. {515}{682}one that is set to overturn our understanding |of how the Universe formed. {710}{803}We're never going to see a time |like this in astronomy again. {805}{937}Really the air is filled |with new discoveries and new ideas. {977}{1065}What they discovered was |a very simple relationship, {1072}{1149}a relationship between |the galaxy we live in {1151}{1254}and the most destructive force |in the Universe. {1301}{1390}A supermassive black hole. {1441}{1535}It set the world |of cosmology alight. {1582}{1694}Six months ago people were not that excited |about supermassive black holes. {1696}{1780}The general astronomer did not care |that much about supermassive black holes. {1782}{1841}Now they have to |and now they'd better! {2312}{2421}Supermassive Black Holes {2663}{2828}The ultimate aim of cosmology is |to understand how the Universe was formed. {2920}{3041}One of the most important questions |is how galaxies were created, {3043}{3138}because without them |we wouldn't exist. {3169}{3266}Galaxies contain almost all the stars |we see in the Universe {3268}{3362}and maybe the places where all stars |in the Universe will be created {3364}{3499}and stars are what produce |oxygen, carbon, planets, {3501}{3542}everything you need for life {3544}{3617}and without life |you don't get astronomers. {3664}{3735}We see our galaxy, the Milky Way, {3738}{3808}as a band of stars in the sky. {3864}{4047}In fact it's a giant rotating disc |200,000 light years wide. {4096}{4203}It contains over 200 billion stars |like our own sun, {4206}{4279}circling slowly around the centre, {4362}{4491}but we are just one |in 125 billion galaxies {4493}{4600}of different shapes and sizes |spinning through space. {4619}{4683}Yet scientists haven't been |able to explain {4685}{4787}how a single one |of these galaxies was created. {4861}{4958}Galaxy formation is a very complicated process. {4960}{5005}It involves gravity {5010}{5118}and it involves large balls |of gas colliding, {5120}{5205}it involves the dynamics of stars, {5207}{5283}it involves the chemistry |of the gas coming together. {5342}{5429}All we know is that |when the Universe was young {5431}{5492}there were no stars or planets, {5494}{5589}just great swirling clouds |of hydrogen gas. {5610}{5726}The mystery is how each |of these clouds turned into: {5728}{5832}the complex galaxies |of stars we see today. {5918}{5972}We just don't know how they do it, {5974}{6114}how galaxies formed out |of the, the ionised hot gas {6116}{6257}that filled the Universe is still physics |that we do not really understand yet. {6281}{6350}Exactly how galaxies were created {6352}{6476}has troubled the world's leading astronomers |and physicists for decades, {6479}{6625}but 6 months ago scientists found |evidence for an extraordinary answer. {7070}{7179}The Nuker team is a group |of world respected astronomers, {7200}{7265}but they're not galaxy experts. {7296}{7450}They are experts in the most violent |and destructive forces known to science: {7481}{7553}supermassive black holes. {7660}{7797}Until recently, supermassive |black holes were mere theory. {7799}{7928}These are giant black holes |of apocalyptic proportion. {8067}{8228}Supermassive black holes are a million to a billion |times the mass of, of a, of a typical black hole. {8230}{8297}They could fill a whole solar system. {8431}{8585}A supermassive black hole |is quite simply gravity gone mad. {8647}{8718}An object of such concentrated matter {8720}{8819}its gravitational pull is insatiable. {9024}{9066}Nothing can escape it, {9068}{9124}not even light itself. {9126}{9163}Anything that gets close {9165}{9319}- gas, stars and entire solar systems |- are sucked into oblivion. {9351}{9448}It even destroys |the very fabric of the Universe. {9715}{9810}If you think of the Universe |as a space-time web, {9812}{9946}the gravity of ordinary stars |and planets creates a dent in this web, {10062}{10188}but the immense gravity |of a supermassive black hole is so destructive {10190}{10283}that it distorts space-time |to breaking point. {10672}{10744}At the heart |of a supermassive black hole {10746}{10889}is one of the most mysterious things |in physics - the singularity, {10891}{11081} a point where space, time |and all known laws of physics fall apart. {11092}{11192}What happens at the centre |of the singularity is a complete mystery {11202}{11315}and solving it is going to require |new physics that we just don't have right now. {11317}{11383}Some people think that you can |fall through the singularity {11385}{11462}and pop out in another part |of the Universe. {11465}{11570}The theories for the singularity are, |some of them are very, very radical. {11572}{11600}We just don't know. {11730}{11805}Supermassive black holes are so bizarre {11808}{11907}that until recently many scientists |doubted they existed at all. {11920}{11958}They were an extreme idea, {11972}{12084}dreamt up to explain a very rare |and distant type of galaxy: {12117}{12169}active galaxies. {12199}{12288}These are amongst the brightest objects |in the Universe. {12299}{12373}These galaxies have |a brilliant burning core {12375}{12473}with vast jets of energy |spurting out of the centre. {12840}{12984}This ferocious heart of brilliant |hot gas is called a quasar. {13003}{13176}Scientists thought this whirling mass might be caused |by a giant black hole sucking up gas and stars, {13178}{13270}literally feeding on the centre |of the galaxy. {13386}{13498}The idea is that the quasars that we see |that look so bright are not the black hole, {13500}{13534}the supermassive black hole, {13536}{13613}they are the gas that's just about |to fall into the supermassive black hole, {13615}{13650}that's going around it, {13656}{13757}shining very brightly just before |it disappears down the black hole. {13857}{13977}A giant black hole would have |a gravitational pull so overwhelming {13979}{14103}it would hurl gas and stars around it |at almost the speed of light. {14106}{14258}The violent clashing would heat |the gas up to over a million degrees. {14294}{14353}The gas rubs against itself essentially {14355}{14398}and gets extremely hot {14400}{14479}and extremely hot gas shines very brightly. {14506}{14588}In reality, although a quasar burns brightly, {14590}{14678}it is actually impossible to see |if there's a black hole in the middle. {14681}{14821}Paradoxically the black hole is made |invisible by the fact that it swallows light. {14894}{14944}So for years no-one could be certain {14946}{15118}if supermassive black holes really did exist |at the heart of these strange active galaxies. {15225}{15359}The Nukers have spent the last two decades |hunting for these elusive monsters. {15369}{15519}The first problem they faced was to prove |that supermassive black holes existed at all. {15530}{15673}What they were to discover would be stranger |than most people could have imagined. {15800}{15921}One of the first of the Nukers |to try to find one was Alan Dressler. {15986}{16090}In 1983 he came to the Palomar |Telescope in California, {16092}{16238}convinced that he'd found a way |to prove that supermassive black holes exist. {16255}{16362}You can't see a black hole directly |- that's what makes it a black hole {16365}{16442}- so what you're looking for |is evidence of its gravity, {16445}{16562}you're looking at how it pulls on |the stars that are coming nearby. {16653}{16732}Dressler knew that although |a black hole is invisible, {16735}{16902}its immense gravity would hurl stars |around it at over 500,000 kilometres an hour. {16957}{17025}By measuring how fast |these stars were moving, {17027}{17160}he could prove if there really was |a black hole at the centre of an active galaxy. {17175}{17302}I picked a galaxy nearby |which is called NGC1068, {17304}{17388}an active galaxy, which meant that |it probably had a supermassive black hole in it, {17390}{17458}at least that's what we wanted to prove. {17488}{17617}To be certain that the stars |were moving unnaturally fast in NGC1068, {17619}{17759}Dressler wanted to compare them with stars |in a normal galaxy, without a black hole. {17790}{17923}Stars circling around a weak centre |of gravity would move at half the speed. {17950}{18060}So for this comparison he chose |the very ordinary galaxy next door to us, {18062}{18192}Andromeda, with a quiet, |inactive centre like our own. {18336}{18441}To measure the speed of the stars |in these two very different galaxies, {18443}{18527}Dressler used an instrument |called a spectroscope. {18540}{18596}This looks at the changing |pattern of light {18598}{18699}coming from stars as they rotate |around the galaxy core. {18778}{18883}The spectroscope shows the centre |of the galaxy as a white band {18885}{19030}and the movement of stars around the core |is traced by a dark vertical line. {19065}{19153}If the stars at the galaxy's |centre are circling slowly {19155}{19246}then the dark band would |show hardly any change, {19364}{19424}but if they're travelling |at great speed, {19426}{19547}whizzing towards and away from us |either side of a supermassive black hole {19549}{19689}then the dark band should show a sudden |shift across the centre of the galaxy. {19794}{19928}I would expect to see some |rather rapid change in this dark line {19930}{19992}so that there'd be |a very big change in the speed {19994}{20056}from one side of the galaxy |to the other, {20058}{20101}very suddenly, |right over the centre, {20103}{20180}and that would show that |the stars were moving very rapidly {20182}{20211}in the centre of the galaxy {20213}{20279}because of the influence |of a great mass in the centre, {20281}{20319}the supermassive black hole. {20669}{20876}Over the next few nights Dressler measured the speed |of the stars in NGC1068 and in Andromeda. {21175}{21240}When the results came down |from the telescope {21242}{21342}he saw something |that was completely unexpected. {21415}{21465}The picture from the active galaxy, {21467}{21565}where he hoped to find |a black hole, was unreadable. {21567}{21726}NGC1068 was just too far away |for the telescope to get a clear picture. {21803}{21970}The surprise came from Andromeda, |the quiet, normal galaxy right next to us. {22330}{22473}I was astonished when I found what |I was looking for, but not where I was looking for it. {22475}{22654}This jog in this dark band shows that |on one side the stars were moving very rapidly {22656}{22826}away from us at 150 kilometres a second, |which is 500,000 kilometres an hour. {22868}{22936}Dressler thought |there could only be one thing {22938}{23010}that would cause the stars |to move this fast: {23012}{23098}a supermassive black hole {23127}{23185}and he wasn't alone. {23204}{23331}Fellow Nuker John Kormendy |had found exactly the same thing. {23399}{23445}The moment I could see that wiggle {23447}{23495}I knew essentially instantly {23497}{23599}that there was a very good chance |that this would be a supermassive black hole. {23608}{23706}When you see something like that |you know you're on to something. {23750}{23865}They'd found evidence of the most |terrifying force in nature, {23867}{23977}but worryingly it wasn't |in some far-off active galaxy. {23979}{24168}This supermassive black hole was |in the very ordinary galaxy right next door to us. {24359}{24482}Andromeda seemed to have |a black hole but no bright quasar. {24498}{24591}If there was a supermassive black hole |why wasn't it shining? {24597}{24675}That suggested that there was |not stuff falling in. {24677}{24799}Maybe lots of galaxies could have a dormant phase |where they had a supermassive black hole {24801}{24883}but they weren't being fed |so they weren't shining. {24909}{24993}A few theorists had predicted |this very thing: {24998}{25104}supermassive black holes |could exist in two states. {25136}{25279}When it's feeding a giant black hole |creates a bright burning gas disk around it {25298}{25359}and then for some reason |it stops feeding, {25361}{25509}leaving a dark, deadly core lurking |menacingly in the centre of the galaxy {25642}{25792}and one of these dark, silent monsters |had been found in our neighbouring galaxy. {26015}{26107}The discovery of a massive |black hole lurking so close to us {26109}{26174}made headlines around the world, {26198}{26290}but many scientists found |the news impossible to believe. {26293}{26400}They didn't think the evidence was |good enough for such an extreme idea. {26403}{26507}Even the Nukers themselves |began to have doubts. {26550}{26606}There is always the danger |that instead of being a black hole, {26608}{26688}it's a dense cluster of something else |that's dark, that's not a black hole. {26690}{26805}I thought there was a fair chance that |we'd made some terrible bone-headed mistake {26807}{26871}and that somebody within a year |was going to write a paper {26873}{27005}and show that we were a bunch of idiots |and we would feel terrible about it. {27037}{27078}To convince the sceptics, {27080}{27225}they needed to find more supermassive |black holes in many more galaxies. {27235}{27347}For this they needed |to look further into space. {27495}{27586}So they turned |to Hubble Space Telescope. {27771}{27947}From 1994 Hubble began a systematic survey |of the centres of distant galaxies {27984}{28157}searching for the tell-tale signature of stars |speeding around a supermassive black hole. {28282}{28431}Astronomers started by looking |at an active galaxy, M87. {28433}{28612}As expected it had a giant feeding black hole |shooting a great jet of energy into space. {28702}{28809}But it was when the search broadened out |to include inactive galaxies as well, {28811}{28877}that something incredible happened. {28942}{29013}In every galaxy |scientists looked at {29015}{29123}they found evidence |for a supermassive black hole. {29180}{29232}(SANDRA FABER) NGC3115. {29234}{29271}(JOHN KORMENDY) NGC3377. {29273}{29309}(KARL GEBHARDT) NGC3379. {29311}{29345}(DOUG RICHSTONE) M31 and M32. {29347}{29466}In total there's probably 20-30 |or so black holes that have been found. {29507}{29595}Supermassive black holes |were supposed to be rare, {29599}{29670}but Hubble was finding them everywhere, {29673}{29813}both feeding in active galaxies |and lurking quietly in ordinary galaxies. {29843}{29938}Pretty soon we got used to the idea {29949}{30039}that everything we would look at |would have a black hole in it. {20041}{30115}You know, after the first three |or four cases we were beginning to wonder: {30117}{30167}does every one |have a black hole. {30169}{30358}One by one we were seeing this picture |sort of emerge out of the fog {30360}{30478}that, that every galaxy, or almost every galaxy, |had a supermassive black hole in it. {30480}{30529}It was really quite astonishing. {30586}{30648}Far from being |rare freaks of nature, {30650}{30806}the Nukers began to suspect that all galaxies |could have giant black holes at their hearts. {30844}{31007}If this was true it would revolutionise |ideas of what a galaxy actually is. {31041}{31140}More disturbingly, it meant |there could be a supermassive black hole {31142}{31261}lurking at the heart |of our very own galaxy, the Milky Way. {31617}{31714}Andrea Ghez has been coming |to Hawaii for the last five years, {31716}{31853}trying to find out if there's a supermassive |black hole in the middle of the Milky Way. {31972}{32029}When I first started thinking |about astronomy {32031}{32149}it never occurred to me that there might be |a supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. {32151}{32260}The idea was that galaxies rotated |just around the mass of the centre, {32262}{32383}which was just stars and gas and dust |and nothing particularly exotic. {32385}{32497}Andrea Ghez has been using a telescope |even more powerful than Hubble {32499}{32656}- the Keck Telescope, perched 14,000ft up |on the sacred mountain of Mauna Kea. {32709}{32813}The Keck telescope is the biggest |optical telescope in the world. {32815}{32899}It has a vast mirror, |10 metres across, {32901}{33021}made up of 36 segments |of highly polished aluminised glass. {33036}{33109}The Keck telescope |is a fabulous telescope to use. {33111}{33156}It's great because it's large. {33158}{33209}This is a case |where bigger is better. {33211}{33301}You get to collect a lot of photons, |you can see very faint things {33303}{33373}and it allows you |to see very fine details. {33608}{33793}Four times a year, Ghez focuses the telescope |on the stars at the very heart of our Milky Way. {34013}{34159}She's looking for the tell-tale high speeds |that reveal the presence of a black hole. {34205}{34276}The centre of the Milky Way |is so near {34278}{34333}and the Keck telescope |so powerful {34335}{34503}Ghez is able to see closer into the centre |of the galaxy than anyone has ever done before. {34791}{34895}Here's an example of one of the images |we got just last night. {34910}{35026}The seeing was, it was kind of a typical night, |not the best night, not the worst night. {35028}{35107}Each one of these blobs |here is a star {35109}{35225}and what you see is each star is distorted |- that's what the atmosphere does. {35227}{35264}It's like looking through a pond, {35266}{35323}like you want to look at a penny |at the bottom of a pond {35325}{35383}and the water's moving, |it looks all distorted {35385}{35433}and it looks different |every time you look, {35435}{35542}so this is one exposure |and the next exposure looks like this. {35554}{35650}By superimposing thousands |of these pictures taken overnight, {35652}{35738}the computer can compensate |for the atmosphere's distortion {35740}{35837}producing a detailed picture |of the centre of the galaxy. {35848}{35918}You can see the position |of the stars very accurately. {35921}{35990}If we go into the centre here {35992}{36026}and rescale it, {36028}{36113}we actually see that there are fainter stars |towards the centre of our field of view {36115}{36177}and these stars |are extremely important. {36203}{36335}It's the motion of these stars |that reveal the presence of the black hole. {36425}{36540}Ghez has been following the motions |of these stars for the last five years. {36542}{36631}If there was no black hole |they'd be moving very slowly, {36633}{36762}but she's discovered they're circling |at speeds of over 1,000 kilometres a second. {36788}{36933}These stars that we've been watching are 2 light |weeks from the, from the centre of our galaxy, {36935}{37016}so their motion, the fact they are going |1,000 kilometres per second {37018}{37221}tells us that within 2 light weeks there's |2 million times the mass of the sun of matter there. {37256}{37345}There's only one thing |in the Universe this dense. {37348}{37505}Lying at the centre of this necklace |of spinning stars is a supermassive black hole. {37507}{37592}You can't see it, |but it's there. {37648}{37860}The most destructive force in the Universe is lurking |at the heart of our very own galaxy, the Milky Way. {37971}{38116}The puzzle for cosmologists now is |what affect it has on the galaxy around it. {38249}{38374}If, as it now seems, every single galaxy |has a black hole at its heart, {38376}{38437}this can't be a coincidence. {38550}{38654}Perhaps black holes are |an essential part of what galaxies are {38657}{38704}and how they work. {38745}{38830}We found that there's a relationship |between the mass of the black hole {38832}{38900}and the mass |of the surrounding host galaxy {38908}{39019}in the sense that small galaxies have |small black holes of around a million solar masses {39021}{39130}and big galaxies have big black holes |of round a billion solar masses. {39205}{39350}Every single black hole was almost exactly |in proportion to the size of its galaxy. {39352}{39397}No matter how big or small, {39399}{39560}bizarrely the galaxy always had a black hole |half a percent of its entire mass. {39607}{39705}This was surprising |and immediately leads to questions: why? {39800}{39955}No-one had expected that black hole size |and galaxy size could possibly be related. {39965}{40117}It suggested some mysterious invisible |connection between a galaxy and its black hole, {40119}{40286}but what this was a mystery scientists |would have to wait three years to solve. {40500}{40624}The first breakthrough came when a new |instrument was added to Hubble Space Telescope. {40674}{40772}This dramatically accelerated |the discovery of new black holes, {40774}{40874}giving scientists a wealth |of new potential leads to follow. {40937}{41040}For three years the data |has been coming down to Earth. {41055}{41179}Amongst those who've been sifting through it |are two young competing researchers. {41238}{41386}What they were to discover this year |would turn the world of cosmology on its head. {41388}{41466}Every day I go to work I don't really |know what's going to happen, {41468}{41570}but I can count that it's going |to be something exciting every single day. {41572}{41685}These past six months have been phenomenal |in terms of black hole research. {41687}{41719}We've been extremely excited, {41721}{41873}we're finding these black holes in, in, in numbers |that we had never been able to do before. {41965}{42096}Karl Gebhardt and Laura Ferrarese were trying |to find the fundamental connection {42098}{42177}linking black holes |and their galaxies, {42189}{42287}so they searched through |all the different galaxy characteristics {42293}{42402}looking for any new links |that might give a clue. {42502}{42581}But it wasn't until they looked |at a property called sigma {42583}{42709}that the mystery began to unravel. {42711}{42859}Sigma is a just a very, very fancy name |for something that's actually very simple. {42881}{43028}Sigma is the speed at which the stars |are circling in the outer reaches of the galaxy. {43058}{43160}The stars at the edge of the galaxy |are so far away from the black hole {43162}{43247}that they're completely |unaffected by its gravity. {43310}{43365}Those stars don't feel |the black hole, {43367}{43425}they feel the rest |of the stars in the galaxy, {43427}{43480}they don't know or care |that the black hole is there. {43482}{43607}If you took the black hole away from the galaxy |they'd be moving at exactly the same speeds. {43617}{43666}This has lead scientists to believe {43668}{43765}there couldn't possibly by any connection |between the size of the black hole {43767}{43854}and the speed of the stars |at the edge of the galaxy. {43878}{43955}They were about |to be proved wrong. {44107}{44176}As the two researchers |went through the new data, {44178}{44274}they first had to calculate |the mass of each black hole. {44316}{44450}Then they found out the speed at which |the stars were moving at the edge of the galaxy {44468}{44542}and plotted all these figures |on a graph. {44655}{44748}As they came in I would take |that new black hole mass {44750}{44865}and the sigma for that galaxy |and add it to my plot. {44886}{44959}There should be no relationship |between the two, {44995}{45122}yet as they added each new point marking the speed |of the stars against the mass of the black hole, {45124}{45192}a clear pattern started to emerge. {45327}{45463}To their amazement the points lay |in an obvious band across the graph. {45465}{45525}The properties were clearly related: {45527}{45693}the bigger the black hole, the faster the speed |of the stars at the edge of the galaxy. {45855}{45974}What we discovered is that the supermassive |black holes at the centre of galaxies {45976}{46100}and the galaxies themselves |are really very tightly intertwined. {46144}{46276}The stars on the edge of the galaxy have |no physical connection with the black hole. {46278}{46457}Yet somehow their speed is tightly bound |with the size of the black hole billions of miles away. {46471}{46549}If the two things aren't |physically linked now, {46551}{46674}it means they must have been |at some point in the past. {46731}{46806}The fact that we see there's |such a tight relationship {46808}{46841}between the speed of the stars {46843}{46887}and the black hole in the middle {46889}{46970}is a probe to what happened |early on in the galaxy. {46972}{47052}It screams at you something |that you don't yet understand {47054}{47156}about the connection between galaxy |formation and black hole formation. {47181}{47281}The relationship points |at an extraordinary idea: {47283}{47429}that galaxies and their giant black holes |could be linked from birth. {47431}{47532}In fact, scientists thought |that supermassive black holes {47534}{47673}might even be involved in the formation |of the galaxies themselves. {47715}{47772}This correlation's |the most important thing {47774}{47861}we've learned about supermassive |black holes so far. {47863}{47919}Astronomers are always looking |for correlations. {47921}{48001}Whenever you find one |that's really tight, like this one, {48003}{48113}it's a sign that there's some basic physics |there that you need to look for. {48193}{48277}As it happens, the physics |that might explain what was going on {48279}{48328}had been suggested years before: {48330}{48421}by theorists Martin Rees and Jo Silk. {48492}{48622}Jo Silk has spent much of his life |trying to solve the mystery of galaxy formation. {48646}{48768}Three years ago it became clear |that he'd been missing a vital ingredient. {48774}{48842}If there was a black hole |in every galaxy, {48844}{48940}then scientists would need |to explain what it was doing there. {48971}{49092}We had to rethink our ideas |of how galaxies were made. {49094}{49167}To understand the first light |of the Universe {49169}{49343}we really have to include the role of these |supermassive black holes in galaxy formation. {49452}{49586}All previous ideas of galaxy formation |had assumed that gas in the early Universe {49588}{49674}simply condensed |to form stars and galaxies. {49899}{50012}Silk and Rees came up |with a completely different idea. {50060}{50258}They proposed that the centre |of each early gas cloud could have collapsed {50277}{50351}to form a giant black hole. {50445}{50538}The black hole would immediately |start feeding on the gas around it, {50540}{50602}creating a brilliant quasar. {50774}{50872}Silk realised that the energy |from this newly formed quasar {50874}{50987}would create intense temperature |changes in the surrounding gas. {51034}{51098}This would cause the gas |around the black hole {51100}{51248}and its newly formed quasar |to condense into stars, {51411}{51461}which means, in effect, {51463}{51586}that the black hole could have helped |to trigger the birth of the galaxy. {51703}{51856}We think of black holes normally as being |destructive influences on their surroundings. {51858}{51905}In this case they're creative, {51907}{52033}they're having a very positive impact |on the formation of the galaxies. {52048}{52091}But there was more. {52109}{52313}This theory predicted when and why the black hole |would eventually stop feeding and go quiet. {52405}{52460}They calculated |that this would happen {52462}{52535}when the feeding black hole |grew so large {52537}{52632}that the vast amount of energy |spewing from its bright quasar {52634}{52758}would literally force the rest |of the galaxy out of its reach. {52860}{53028}It has the effect of pushing |a wind against the surrounding gas {53030}{53150}and driving the surrounding gas |away like a snowplough. {53216}{53308}With only its hot whirling |quasar within its reach, {53310}{53434}the black hole would swallow |that up and then stop feeding. {53440}{53547}It would be left invisible |at the centre of the galaxy. {53640}{53709}Silk and Rees calculated |that this moment {53711}{53796}when the black hole pushed |the surrounding galaxy away, {53798}{53961}would depend, bizarrely, on how fast |the stars in the outer galaxy were moving. {53976}{54045}The faster these stars |were circling, {54047}{54129}the harder it would be |to push them away {54138}{54207}and the bigger the black hole |would need to grow {54209}{54330}to produce enough energy to overcome |the motion of the circling stars. {54381}{54449}Which means the size |of the black hole in the end {54451}{54614}depends on how fast the stars are moving |in the newly formed galaxy around it. {54644}{54686}If our theory is correct {54688}{54827}there should be a simple relation |between the mass of the central black hole {54829}{54997}and the speed or the sigma of the stars |in the newly formed surrounding galaxy. {55030}{55122}And this is exactly |what has just been found. {55393}{55500}It means that Silk and Rees's |theory may be right {55508}{55664}and if it is also right that supermassive |black holes helped trigger star formation, {55668}{55843}then it must mean that all giant black holes |and their galaxies are connected from birth. {55847}{55933}It means the answer |to the mystery of galaxy formation {55935}{56087}may lie in the creation |of the supermassive black holes at their heart. {56100}{56247}The real implication of the relation is that |whatever controlled the formation of the galaxy {56249}{56344}and whatever controlled the formation |of the supermassive black hole {56346}{56382}is basically the same thing, {56384}{56487}there is only one thing |behind everything. {56504}{56557}So a supermassive black hole, {56559}{56616}a force of terrible destruction, {56618}{56729}could also be fundamental |in the creation of our galaxy. {56762}{56922}Nevertheless, its latent destructive |power should not be underestimated. {56990}{57121}Back in Hawaii Andrea Ghez |has made a new discovery. {57123}{57253}She's discovered a new source |of light in the centre of our galaxy. {57255}{57344}The black hole may |be starting to feed again. {57432}{57505}All of a sudden we saw something |that looks like a star, {57507}{57541}but maybe isn't a star, {57543}{57627}but it's definitely |a new object in our map {57629}{57744}and the interesting thing is that |it's located where we think the black hole is. {57793}{57892}Ghez thinks this spot of light |could be something amazing. {57907}{57995}One idea that I'm particularly |intrigued by at the moment {57997}{58121}is the idea that perhaps |the black hole is feeding more right now. {58211}{58298}Andrea thinks that the light |she sees is coming from hot gas {58300}{58384}being sucked into the vortex |of the black hole. {58450}{58527}So if our black hole |has started feeding again, {58529}{58668}could this affect the Earth |even though we're 24,000 light years away? {58743}{58879}We're in absolutely no danger of being |eaten by the supermassive black hole {58881}{59053}and in fact if we do think the black hole is going |through a slightly larger feeding at the moment, {59055}{59069}it's tiny, {59071}{59186}it's tiny compared to |what other galaxy, galaxies are doing {59188}{59252}so in fact still this is |a very quiet black hole. {59254}{59394}In spite of the fact that there might be |new emission from it it's still extremely low. {59481}{59574}Our black hole is merely having |the equivalent of a small snack, {59576}{59668}feeding on a wisp of gas |that's strayed too close. {59699}{59799}The black hole stopped growing |billions of years ago. {59836}{59936}Only a major catastrophe |could make it fire up again, {59939}{60075}something violent enough to hurl stars |from the safety of our galaxy's edge {60077}{60150}into its deadly heart {60156}{60277}and we now know that one day |this catastrophe could happen. {60455}{60636}In January 2000, John Dubinski set out to calculate |the final fate of our galaxy, the Milky Way, {60638}{60728}and that of our nearest |neighbour, Andromeda. {60762}{60888}The Andromeda galaxy is actually |falling towards the Milky Way {60890}{61016}which means they'll probably have |some close encounter at some point in the future. {61019}{61164}At the moment Andromeda is moving |towards us at 400,000 kilometres per hour {61166}{61269}and scientists think |one day it will hit us. {61293}{61405}So Dubinski decided to work out |what'll happen to us in 3 billion years, {61407}{61488}when the two galaxies |finally collide. {61589}{61655}After a long |and complex calculation {61657}{61766}the result was a vivid picture |of the impending collision. {61861}{61996}A detailed prediction |of how the Milky Way will end. {62289}{62396}The clouds of gas hit each other at these huge |velocities, hundreds of kilometres per second, {62398}{62491}and that basically |creates great shockwaves {62493}{62569}which move through the gas |and heat it to great temperature. {62618}{62671}At the heart of this maelstrom {62673}{62797}the boiling gas is hurled |towards the two converging black holes. {62987}{63076}This kick starts |a violent dual feeding frenzy {63078}{63173}as the two monsters spiral |towards each other. {63393}{63561}And eventually those two independent black holes |with their accretion discs will spiral together {63563}{63698}and merge themselves and form |an even more massive black hole. {63715}{63781}Dubinski worked out |that this violent collision {63783}{63887}would knock the Earth |and its Solar System out of orbit. {63946}{64016}Two possible fates await us. {64060}{64150}If we're on one side of the galaxy |when this clash happens, {64152}{64242}we could be thrown out |into the emptiness of space {64244}{64290}- if we're lucky. {64302}{64441}The second possibility is that we're on the other side |of the galaxy at the time of the collision {64443}{64624}in which case we could be thrown right |into the centre of this chaos. {64768}{64840}In the active centre |of the merging galaxy {64842}{65020}the huge feeding black hole will trigger |giant stellar explosions and supernovae. {65136}{65215}This is bad news for Earth. {65251}{65323}There could be |a horrible catastrophe. {65359}{65452}The wave of radiation |from the blast wave of the supernova {65454}{65599}would hit the atmosphere |and boil it off in an instant, {65652}{65698}so the atmosphere would be gone, {65700}{65786}the seas would boil off into space {65788}{65897}and the Earth would be toast.